Euphiletos Painter

The Euphiletos Painter was an Attic black-figure vase painter active in the second half of the sixth century BC.

He was one of the better-quality vase painters of the black-figure style in Athens. He is known especially for his Panathenaic prize amphorae. In them, his work indicated a chronological development influenced to quite an extent by red-figure vase painting, a style developing during his lifetime. While his early works still showed athletes in unrealistic movement stances, the quality of the depcitions improved considerably over time in this regard, especially of his ioncreasing control of internal detail. Besides human depcitions, this is particularly well visible in shield devices. His work on vases other than prize amphorae is of lesser quality and often depicts the then popular motif of chariot races. Most of his non-prize amphora work dates to about 520 BC, but some pieces are estimated to be up to 20 years earlier or later. He collaborated with the potter Pamphaios.


Source of Translation

This article incorporates information from this version of the equivalent article on the German Wikipedia.